Posts tagged ‘orzo’

February 26, 2012

Happy Birthday to me

It’s not actually my birthday.. but my own cookware set!? Seriously?!!? YESSS! THANK YOU! 😀 Using it this summer : )

Just finished clearing up after dinner, and watching the amazing race while writing this. My friend Tammy and I are determined to be on that show someday! 🙂

On another topic, I had picked up some whole what orzo pasta at Whole Foods last week since I’ve never tried it, but had seen some delicious-looking recipes that used it.

Ingredients: Whole wheat orzo pasta ~ Chicken ~ Capers ~ Cumin ~ Tomatoes ~ Salt & Pepper ~ Lemon juice

Directions: Sautee the cumin and capers for a few minutes, then add the orzo and the rest of the ingredients! Most of these ingredients can be found in your pantry – and if not, replace it with something that is – just jumble ingredients that you think will work together : )

For a side, we had this random mix of random beans and celery. it was interesting.


Chickpeas, Barley, Black turtle beans, Adzuki beans, Kidney beans, Celery, Pasta, Onions, Salt, & Dressing.

And for desert, Quinoa cake!!


~ 3 eggs ~ 1/4 cup sugar ~ 1 cup quinoa flour ~ 1/4 cup orange juice (about 1 small orange) ~ 1/3 cup of grated, unsweetened pure chocolate ~ 1/2 tsp salt 

~ Beat the eggs, and add the sugar gradually. Mix the chocolate and salt into the flour. Add the chocolate-flour mix, and orange juice into the egg/sugar mixture – alternating between the two. Then.. pour into pans and bake for about 35 minutes! 🙂

Is there a reality show you wish you could be on?!